Greetings parents, please see the 24-25 Spring Benchmark Assessment schedule attached. #IndianNation #MoveMarshall

Due to the frigid temperatures we are experiencing, students will be allowed to dress out of uniform in warmer clothes for the remainder of the week (through Friday, January 24, 2025). No jeans with holes or leggings will be allowed.

Congratulations are in order for our Teacher and Staff of the Month (December)!! Teacher of the Month: Mrs. Tracey Watson, MET Chair and Resource Teacher, works tirelessly to ensure that all students are successful. Staff of the Month: Officer Zabian Walker, Asst. Chief and Transportation Coordinator, assist in many areas of the school to ensure the safety of the staff and students at BHS—daily. Please join us in celebrating these members of our tribe! #MoveMarshall #IndianNation

BHS celebrated senior night for our amazing and talented soccer players! On this same night, our boys soccer team landed a victory! #IndianNation #MoveMarshall
BHS celebró la noche de último año para nuestros increíbles y talentosos jugadores de fútbol! ¡Esta misma noche, nuestro equipo de fútbol masculino obtuvo una victoria!

Due to some icy spots on Marshall County back streets, the Marshall County School District will begin School on Monday, January 13, 2025 on a 2-hour delayed start.

Due to inclement weather, Marshall County Schools will be closed on Friday, January 10, 2025. Stay warm and safe! We will be monitoring road conditions for next week and make any closure announcements as soon as possible.

On Monday, BHS staff participated in professional development that was centered around best practices for instruction with emphasis on deliberate practice. Department teachers created and modeled mini-lessons that focused on the core elements of the Gradual Release Model of Responsibility. What a fun and learning-filled day for the staff! #IndianNation #MoveMarshall

BHS faculty and staff enjoyed their Christmas Dinner provided by administration! #HappyHolidays #IndianNation #MoveMarshall

BHS Student Council Members created gift bags and care packs for the CareNow Pantry of Holly Springs, MS to assist patients during the Winter Holidays! Also pictured, BHS principal (center) and student council sponsor, LaKisha DeBerry (right). #IndianNation #MoveMarshall

BHS Chick-fil-A Leaders Club delivered Christmas gifts and read books to the students at Erma Rogers Head Start Center! #IndianNation #MoveMarshall

BHS hosted a National Beta Club Induction Ceremony for new inductees. Also, we are proud to announce that BHS has been named a National School of Merit for the 24-25 school year! #IndianNation #MoveMarshall

Greetings parents, please see the 24-25 Fall Assessment Calendar below. All students are expected to be present and punctual to school each and everyday. Let's go Indians! #IndianNation #MoveMarshall

Our students that scored proficiency on the Fall benchmark assessments participated in Kid's Day Women's Basketball Game at Olemiss! #IndianNation

BHS celebrated all students that scored proficient, advanced, and showed growth on the state MAAP assessment(s). The students had a blast at this proficiency party! We are very proud of our students. #proficiencyparty #IndianNation #MoveMarshall

Thank you to our guests (American Red Cross, American Heart Association, and Tobacco Coalition) for speaking to our students during Red Ribbon Week! #IndianNation #MoveMarshall

BHS teachers enjoyed their Social Emotional Learning (SEL) Bar today! Teachers were able to fill their treat bags with whatever they needed! #GetWhatYouNeed #IndianNation #MoveMarshall

Parents and community, please join us in celebrating our Honor Roll students for the 1st quarter! #IndianNation #MoveMarshall

Congratulations are in order for Byhalia High School's Teacher of the Month, Jason Gammons, and Staff of the Month, Carolina Oliver! We are very proud of the work and support they contribute to the staff and students daily!
September belonged to them!
#IndianNation #MoveMarshall

Ensuring the safety and security of all students, staff, and visitors remains our district’s highest priority. As part of our ongoing commitment to maintaining a secure environment, we are implementing several new safety measures for the 2024-2025 school year, some of which you have likely already noticed. These measures are designed to enhance security and promote a safer atmosphere at school and during school-sponsored events.
Please follow this link to see an overview of the new safety protocols that have been implemented and are currently in effect: https://5il.co/2zl5e

BHS faculty and students enjoyed Hispanic Heritage Month! We love it here at BHS! #IndianNation #MoveMarshall